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The MMG Mentorship Program

Let’s talk about money. Perhaps the touchiest subject in the world for some, and a favourite subject for others. If you’re honest with yourself, do you truly know what you’re doing with your money and how to maximize it? Well if you’re like most, you’ll probably answer no. That's where I come in, I've designed a coaching program that helps my client's achieve millionaire status in their life time, faster than if they were to try and do it on their own.
My client's have built investment portfolios worth over $1 million and others have paid off over $60,000 in credit card debt. Imagine if every time you opened up your banking app you were excited about what you saw? You were confident about where you're going in the future because you had a bank account that supports your dreams? You knew exactly what you needed to do to start hitting all of your life goals like buying a house, paying for your dream wedding in cash, or even retiring early?
Book a free discovery call to learn more about how my proven strategies can help you do the same.
Watch the video below, a testimonial, from women who've worked with me. In 2023, The MMG empowered over 500,000 women through financial literacy.
The Program Includes
a personalized approach
Our program is tailored to your unique financial goals and needs. We'll start with an in-depth assessment of your current financial situation and then develop a customized plan to help you achieve your objectives. Whether you're focused on budgeting, investing, debt management, or building wealth, we'll cover all the essential topics to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.
strong community
You won't be going through this journey alone. You'll become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to improving their financial well-being. Through shared experiences, and mutual encouragement, you'll stay motivated and accountable to stay on track towards your goals. We connect you with the best accountants, insurance agents, and financial planners.
dedicated financial coaching
You'll receive dedicated one-on-one coaching sessions where we'll dive deep into your finances, address any challenges you're facing, and celebrate your successes. I'll provide expert guidance, practical strategies, and actionable steps to help you make informed financial decisions and progress towards your goals. Unlike other money coaches we don't believe in group coaching sessions!
Achieving financial success isn't just about numbers—it's also about mindset. I'll help you cultivate a positive and empowered mindset towards money, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop the confidence and resilience to navigate any financial challenges that come your way. When you can recognize the psychological drivers behind past, present, and future financial decisions, you're empowered to make informed choices.
You'll get this for $5,000
Many of Gina’s clients make $5000 back within 6 months of applying what she’s taught them. Between finding ways to save money, make more money, and investing strategically her clients have 3xed their initial investment ($15k) after a year of applying her tips.
Session 1
Assess your income to expense ratios and provide insights on whether these ratios are healthy
Create a budget personalized to your goals
Set goals based on your cashflow e.g., investing for a down payment, saving for retirement, debt management, unlimited vacations, saving for child’s education etc.
Initial credit analysis
Create a financial plan
Session 2
Discuss your financial behaviours and create a millionaire money routine
Open sinking funds with your financial institution
Receive a complimentary session with a CPA
Automate saving for the things that matter e.g., unlimited vacations, car maintenance, self care, gifts, taxes, clothing etc.
Receive a sinking fund tracker that'll help you stay organised for the rest of your life!
Session 3
Effectively set up a smart calendar
Set milestones, alerts and tasks
Gina teaches you how to use Notion, one of the most powerful platforms for planning and organising.
Use Notion to set goals
Learn how to read your credit bureau, how to build an excellent score, and save over $50k in your life time with your score. Gina teaches you how to negotiate interest rates with lenders.
Time Blocking 101: How a schedule brings freedom and flexibility
Session 4
Enrolled into virtual course on investing, upon completing course we debrief on learnings
Build a personalized investment plan based on your goals
Tax-sheltered accounts you need to take advantage of (TFSA, FHSA, RRSP, RESP, IRA, 401k, ISA)
Gina reviews 3 investment vehicles based on your goals e.g., an ETF, a stock, a MIC/REIT
You receive a customized retirement plan, by the end of this session you'll know exactly how much you need saved by retirement. You'll know how much to set aside each month and what to invest it in.
Session 5
Recalibrate your budget as per your income/expenses (revisited)
Calculate your net worth
Create plan to increase net worth each year
Discuss how you'll earn passive streams of income
Discuss leveraging (using good debt to buy assets that appreciate in value or provide income)
Analyse your insurance coverage e.g., are you and your family protected?
Session 6
Session 7
A personalised plan to qualify for a mortgage based on your income, debt, and current savings
Gina teaches you how what investment vehicles you should use to grow your down payment
Discuss pre-build investing pros/cons
Discuss leveraging and using equity to build a real estate portfolio
How real estate can support your retirement plan
Create a business plan to launch / scale your business
Gina builds a social media marketing strategy with you
Receive a free copy of Gina's Social Media e-Book
Learn how to create and advertise your lead magnet
Build an operating budget for your business
Learn how to increase your businesses cashflow
Get all this for $5,000 + $2,500 in free bonuses
If you know that this program is for you, you can apply now to be considered for our next intake
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